Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Hofstede’s Model Of Organisational Culture
overcharge organizational destination has become the buzzword in touristy attention with many experts suggesting it as an all-important(prenominal) determinant for brassal achiever. prudence seekers sire been quick to point come to the fore the impact that organisational elaboration whitethorn seduce on the effectiveness of the organization and obligate called for an increase in the attention paid to organisational culture. With to a greater extent emphasis macrocosm dictated on organisational culture, it becomes important to understand the appeal of this impression and take apart its impact on counseling within the organizationThis paper hence explores on the concept of organisational culture and examines its impact on demeanors and direction of the organization. This will involve identifying one associated mode or surmise and evaluating or determining the extent to which the chosen homunculus plays a part in pliant the style of guidance. A case paper o f Sony Ericsson will likewise be employed to help illustrate the application of hofstedes feign of organizational culture. The reckon will also identify limitations of this model and the strengths that piddle enabled it to be used as a founding for close research analyses.INTRODUCTIONOrganizational culture has become the buzzword in popular perplexity with many experts suggesting it as an important determinant for organizational achiever (Schein 1999). While the association surrounded by organizational culture and organizational success is far from certain, it is obvious that each organization has its own unique affable structure which drives much of the individual behavior within that organization.Management researchers view as been quick to point out the impact that organizational culture may have on the effectiveness of the organization and have called for an increase in the attention paid to organizational culture (Siehl & Martin 1998). With more emphasis being pla ced on organizational culture, it is important to understand the appeal of this concept and examine its impact on perplexity within the organization.This development gum olibanum explores on the concept of organizational culture and examines its impact on counseling style. This will involve identifying one associated mode or theory and evaluating or determining the extent to which the chosen model plays a part in define the style of management. In this see to it, Hofstedes ideas will form the ground subject field of our digest of organizational culture.WHAT IS..CULTURE?The term culture has been given varied set of definitions by various scholars. Kroeber & Kluckholn (1952), for example, defined culture as consisting of patterns of behaviour acquired and transmitted through symbols, and which constitute distinctive achievement of human groups including their anatomy in artifacts. Hofstede (1980), on the other hand, defined culture as the corporal programming of the mind wh ich differentiates members of one human group in the alliance from the rest.While Symington (1983) defined it as a complex whole which admit belief, knowledge, morals, art, customs, capabilities and habits acquired in the society. These definitions suggest culture to consist of a set of think of systems that argon sh atomic number 18d equally by members in the society and which binds quite a little together. With the above conceptualization of culture, we can now define what we mean by organizational culture.ORGANIZAITONAL CULTUREOrganizational culture can simply be defined as a set of values, assumptions and beliefs that define the behaviours and style of management in an organization (OReilly et.al, 1991). thither ar three main sources of warp believed to interact to create organizational culture. These are the beliefs and values held by the leaders of the organization, the characteristics of the industry in which the organization is within, and the broader society in whic h the organization operates (OReilly et.al, 1991).The intimately important model used by management researchers and which has formed the basis of most analyses of organizational culture is Hofstedes model. While most celebrated for his groundbreaking contribute on dimensions of national culture, Hofstede also identified six dimensions of organizational culture which can be used in defining the style of management in an organization.Process orient vs goal orientedThe process oriented vs result oriented dimension is concerned with the effectiveness of the organization. A place feature of a process oriented culture is the means or rather the way in which work has to be breedinged. While in a result oriented culture, emphasis is placed on the goals of the organization. That is, employees are primarily out to achieve specific organizational goals even if the risks come to are substantial (Hofstede 2001).Parochial vs professionalThis dimension reflects the internal and external fr ame of the organization (Hofstede 2001). In a local culture the identity of the employees is with the immediate manager. then employees within this culture are internally focused and directed and there is also a strong social control. The converse is true in a professional culture where the identity of the employees is largely determined by the profession and content of the job.Open system vs closed in(p) systemThe open system vs closed system dimension reflects the communication climate of the organization (Hofstede 2001). For an open system, rising employees are welcomed and there is the belief that everyone fits well in the organization. While for a closed system, it is difficult to join and it is believed that provided a certain variety show of individuals may fit in the organization.Employee oriented vs job orientedThis dimension relates to the management philosophy in the organization. In an employee oriented organizational culture, concern is in the first place on empl oyee satisfaction. The staff members feel that their own personal problems and welfare is taken into account by the organization. While for a job oriented organizational culture, work is characterized by heavy pressure to perform the specific childbed at the expense of the employee (Hofstede 2001).Tighter control vs costless controlThis dimension relates to structuring, control and develop in the organization. A tight control culture is characterized by sincerity and punctuality while the features of a loose control culture are casual and improvisation (Hofstede 2001). Examples of organizations that are often found within tighter controls are banks and pharmaceutical companies while those found in loose control are research laboratories and advertising agencies (Hofstede 2001).Normative vs matter-of-factThis dimension reflects on the method actings employed by organizations when dealing with the environs in general and customers in particular. It describes the direct of cu stomer oreintation. hardheaded cultures are flexible and more market driven while prescriptive cultures are rigid and often emphasize on following relevant laws and rules (Hofstede 2001). Hofstede labeled organizations involved in the sale of services as pragmatic while those engaged in application of laws and rules as normative.CRITICISMS OF HOFSTEDES poserHofstedes ground breaking work on culture has thence provided valuable insights into the management styles and dynamics of cross heathenish relationships. However, his highly influential findings have not been without criticisms. A number of academics have discredited his work in part or whole.Critics have argued that survey was not an important instrument that could be used in accurately determining and bar the culture of organizations (Jones 2007). A survey of a set of limited questions sure cannot adequately and comprehensively provide an in-depth understanding of culture of an organization. In reply to this criticism , Hofstede argued that survey was one method and certainly not the only method that was used.Hofstedes model has also been criticized on the basis that the five or six dimensions did not provide sufficient information about heathenish differences (Jones 2007). In this regard, Hofstede agreed that his synopsis was too narrow to credibly argue for the universal validity and sufficiency of the six dimensions of organizational culture that he identified. And in fact, suggested for additional dimensions to his original work. He also storied that well-nigh of the six dimensions that he identified may be less reusable when analyzing other types of organizations in other countries (Jones 2007).A third criticism is that Hofstedes work is seen as outdated, especially with the rapid changes in the global environment (Jones 2007). This critique has further been put forward by Holden (2002) who points out that the information used by Hofstede in his dimensions of organizational culture see m to have been gathered over 30 years ago and is therefore no longer applicable to the modern day world. In response to this criticism, Hofstede (1998) pointed out that a number of recent replications had confirmed his findings.Hofstedes model is also criticized on grounds of his one club approach. Hofstedes analysis suppositious that a hotshot IBM organizational culture could be used to gift inferences about the entire world wide organizational cultures (Jones 2007). A record fixated on one company certainly cannot be used to make inferences about the entire world wide organizational cultures. The validity of his dimensions of organizational culture has thus been questioned and his model considered to be non-comprehensive as the study was ground on data collected from a angiotensin-converting enzyme company exploitation questionnaires that lacked academic foundation.Critics have also argued that Hofstede failed to recognize the miscellanea in his analysis of IBM culture (J ones 2007). He ignored extensive literature which suggested that there were multiple, take issue and emergent cultures in an organization. If we are to ignore the assumption of a single culture in IBM and realize the diversity in culture at IBM, then his analysis is likely to collapse.After years of publication of his analysis on organizational culture based on the IBM survey data, Hofstede begun to acknowledge the presence of cultural diversity within and between units in the said(prenominal) organization. However, despite recognizing flaws in his work, Hofstede fails to admit error or weakness in his analysis. Accepting that organizations had multiple cultures as opposed to his assumption of a single culture would seem to undermine a crucial part of his analysis.ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF HOFSTEDES MODELDespite these criticisms, Hofstedes work is wide acknowledge and used by many scholars and practictioners due to its mainly appealing attributes. Sondergaard (1994) noted that hofs tedes analysis on corporate culture received 1,036 citations in semblance with another highly regarded study by Miles & Snow (1978) which only received 200 citations. Moreover, a number of researchers have replicated Hofstedes study including Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner (1997). Some of the strengths that have enabled it to be used as the basis of most research analyses includeRelevance Hofstedes discoveries came at a prison term when there was very little known about culture and businesses were bonnie globalizing and were in need of advice (Jones 2007). Hofstedes framework exceeded this demand and became widely reliable by many scholars and practitioners. His work offered guidance to managers who were expanding their businesses as cultures were clashing and creating difficulties (Jones 2007). severeness Hofstede model is based on a rigorous research endeavor with systematic data and is built on a coherent theory (Jones 2007). Simplicity Knudsen & Loloma (2007) argues that hofstedes model has remained influential and successful due to its informality of appliance. His analysis of culture offered a simple way of understanding organizational culture. The six dimensions that define organizational culture put forth by Hofstede made it easier for managers and researchers to understand corporate culture without the need of expert knowledge. coitus accuracy strength of Hofstedes model is also reflected in its direct of accuracy. Majority of the replications expressed by other researchers have confirmed Hofstedes findings. four-spot replications have concurred fully with Hofstedes findings while fifteen showed partial verification (Jones 2007). Moreover, Hofstedes framework has become very influential in management studies and is most widely cited in social sciences. His work remains slavish in the implementation of various business systems in organizations including entrepreneurial behaviour, workgroup feat and dynamics, leadership styles, participa tive management and management control systems among many others (Jones 2007). A grammatical case STUDY OF SONY ERICSSONIn order to explore on the extent to which hofstede model plays a part in defining management style, we will conduct a case study of Sony Ericsson, a joint venture between Sony and Ericsson. Sony Ericsson has its headquarters and all of its management based in the UK. The firm aims at becoming the most innovative and attractive mobile brand globally (Cooper & Ross 2007).ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE IN SONY ERICSSONOrganizational culture has long been declare as an important factor for driving behaviour, finale making and shaping management style at Sony Ericsson. With regard to the rules and subroutines, Sony Ericson follows a certain procedure laid down by the firm (Cooper & Ross 2007). While it is not a requirement for employees to follow strict dress write in code and office timings, it is mandatary for employees at Sony Ericsson to abide by the business ethics a nd code of conduct (Cooper & Ross 2007). Since the firm does not follow a strict dress code and office timings, it can be concluded that the organization employs a loose control culture.With regard to employee evaluation and performance, the staffs at Sony Ericsson are not secernate on their individual performance and are allowed to participate in decision making except at the higher level which requires the executive management team only (Cooper & Ross 2007). Sony Ericssons corporate culture is also more employee oriented with managers more concerned on the welfare and employee satisfaction.Sony Ericsons organizational culture is also very professional as employees are subjected to scrutiny checks prior to their appointment to ensure that individuals hired are competent and have a certain level of experience deemed necessary for the position (Tayeb 2001). With regard to normative and pragmatic approach, the firm is seen in between, as its organizational culture is both normative a nd pragmatic oriented. While Sony Ericsson focuses on meeting customer and market necessarily, the firm also adheres to certain rules and guidelines in meeting these needs (Tayeb 2001). Clearly, Hofstedes model plays a significant part in defining the management style and organizational behaviour at Sony Ericsson.CONCLUSIONThere is no doubt that Hofstedes model is one of the most widely acknowledged and used piece of research. His ground breaking work on culture has indeed provided valuable insights into the management styles and dynamics of cross cultural relationships as evident in Sony Ericsson. A number of academics have just discredited his work in part or whole.Although Hofstedes work on culture has been heavily criticized on grounds of his one company approach, survey methodological approach, and for fewer dimensions and his assumption of a single organizational culture majority of his findings have had remarkable effect on practitioners and researchers and wrap up to guid e multi-national practitioners into the global future. While there is a high level of controversy in his analysis of culture, there is no doubt that his study is one of the most influential in the analysis of organizational culture. extension serviceHofstede, G., 2001. Cultures consequences. 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA Sage publicationsHofstede, G., 1998. Attitudes, set and Organizational Culture Disentangling the concepts. 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