Monday, September 30, 2019

Speaking Through the Movement of Dance.

Speaking Through the Movement of Dance Summary: Many people think of dance as human communication at its most basic level. Some form of dance can be found in every culture, regardless of its location or stage of development. It is easy to see that dance is a natural, universal human activity. But what most people overlook to see is that dance can be found as a form of writing just like any other genre out there. So this explains how and why dance is a form of writing, and goes specially into choreographed dancing and how routines are a part of writing. What’s the first thing that pops in your head when you think about dance or dancing?That its form of writing right? WRONG! When thinking about dance or dancing the first thing most people think about is shaking their butts across the dance floor while grooving to the latest jams. But what most people don’t realize is that dance is a form of writing, weird right? I would of never guessed that either, until I went on a rece nt trip back to Chicago, and one of my best friends invited me to a dance performance at her school, not only was the show very entertaining. I learned that dance is more than moving to the rhythm of the beat to your favorite song, but that dance tells a story.Which most people don’t realize. Dance routines are very unique and explore states of mind and feelings such as pleasure and pain. I’ve heard people who like to dance mention things like dancing is form art and writing. They say some people dance to express their feelings and emotions. Other people dance to feel better, but dance can be used to tell a story. As if it is a language or written in a book. It utilizes many of the elements that can be found in other forms of writing and genres like tattooing’, graffiti, Facebook post and many more.But what is dance really? You +1'd this publicly. UndoDance is when people move to a musical rhythm. They may be alone, or in a group. The dance may be an informal pl ay, part of a ritual, or part of a professional performance. There are many kinds of dance, and every human society has its dances. Dances may be planned in detail, or they may be whatever dancers feel like doing. However, most dancing does follow some general style or pattern. Dance takes as its subject matter moving visual patterns, feelings, states of mind, and narrative, in various combinations.The form of the dance, the details and the parts as they work together to organize the structure, gives us insight into the subject matter. However, the details, the parts, and the structure are not as easily perceived as they are in painting, sculpture, or writing. Because when in dance you have to pay very close attention to the little details and follow and feel what the dancers are doing. In this article I want to take a closer look only on choreographed dancing and how it’s a form of writing because the word choreography literally means â€Å"dance-writing†. Choreograph y is not just stringing together steps and figures.That's boring. When choreographing a dance you need to first ask yourself why the audience is there. What do they want to see? What would interest them? Why should they like your piece? Or even if they don't like it, how will it impact them. What will hold their attention at each moment? Keep your audience in mind during every step of your design. Just like an author when writing a book or any writing you still need to follow the same kind of steps in order for people to recognize and acknowledge your work because no one wants to read a boring book nor want to see a boring dance. hat’s why practice makes perfect. Writing, obviously, is my favorite form of expression. It allows me to dance with words, spin with anecdotes and tap out my frustrations. Just like dancing, it is not always easy or a graceful performance. Sometimes I falter, fall, miss a step and tap off beat. I sweat a lot when I’m on deadline and I doubt my abilities when the task is difficult. But at other times, my words gracefully fly off the page like a ballerina mastering a leap. When I keep trying and practicing, the steps get easier and encourage me to keep dancing along.I can also express myself as a writer, expanding my repertoire with different styles. Just as dancers switch from tap and ballet to hip hop and jazz, writers also strengthen their skills and express themselves by varying the tone, organization and style. When I’m frustrated, I tap out an opinion piece to persuade my audience. When I’m happy, I compile a light-hearted narrative or anecdotal piece. When I’m feeling sassy, I throw a little attitude into a blog post and quite often, I spruce up my wording to jazz up an article. In reality, writers are dancers at heart.We sway to the words, we feel the meaning we wish to express and we type to a rhythm with every piece. And sometimes, we pop, lock and drop it just for fun. Work Cited Page: †Å"Dance. † Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Aug. 2012. Web. 5 Dec. 2012 â€Å"What Is Dance to You? † Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo! , n. d. Web. 11 Dec. 2012. â€Å"What Is Choreography? † What Is Choreography? N. p. , n. d. Web. 3 Dec. 2012. Annette Lamb and Larry Johnson,. â€Å"Dance. † Dance. N. p. , n. d. Web. 24 Nov. 2012 Unknown. â€Å"Dance Quotes. † Dance Quotes. N. p. , n. d. Web. 30 Nov. 2012

Sleepy hollow

Hollow Sleepy Hollow is a new television series currently running on the FOX network. Airing on September 16, Sleepy Hollow Is a modern twist on Washington Irving's classic tale of Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman. Ichabod Crane, played by actor Tom Mison, is a revolutionary soldier â€Å"resurrected† in the present-day town of Sleepy Hollow along with his foe, the Headless Horseman.The show explores the legend of the Apocalypse, with Ichabod and his companion Lieutenant Abbie Mills, played by ctress Nicole Beharie, as the two witnesses who must try and stop the coming of the Four Horseman and the end of the world. sleepy Hollow has only been on air for three months with a total of 9 episodes but seems to already have a loyal following, similar to the creators Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orc' former serialized sci-fi show Fringe. The show Is filmed primarily In Wilmington, North Carolina by 20th century Fox Television and has already been renewed for a second season in 20 14.Sleepy Hollow, like all FOX television shows, has accounts on the three main social edia websites: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Facebook detlnltely has the most following with over 100,000 followers. Twitter comes in second with almost 60,000 followers and Instagram in last place with less than 3,000 followers. The Facebook page regularly posts pictures, previews and various articles throughout the week, though most coming from the day leading up toa new episode. The Twitter account @SleepyHollowFOX also tweets regularly with the consistent hashtags of #sleepyhollow for the show and *sleepyheads for its fans.Instagram is used nfrequently with only 55 posts total and most pictures acting as a preview for that night's episode. In addition to these three maln sites, Sleepy Hollow also has Its official website on FOX and various video clips on the FOX YouTube channel. The official website has an interactive map called The Secret Map of Sleepy Hollow' and full episodes and recaps available to watch. Finally, It also has links to Its various social media websites and a built in twitter feed. The Individual actors also have their own social media presences, namely Twitter and official websites.The show sleepy Hollow does a decent Job In reaching out to Its viewers through social media. It has the obligatory social media accounts and does post content regularly. However, Sleepy Hollow underutilizes all of these social media sites, making their accounts boring and uninviting. Their content Is mostly Just previews and stills for each upcoming episode. It gives viewers no behind the scenes content, shutting them out of the production process. Behind the scenes photos and clips often help viewers feel Included, a part ot the cast and ‘In on the secret'.Instagram Is definitely acking content and followers, which could easily be remedied with exclusive stills from cast and crew during production. The various accounts also lack options for viewer teedback and r ecognition. The Sleepy Hollow Twitter account does tweet suspenseful lines during commercial breaks, but never asks for viewer feedback. They also never retweet or favorite any clever comments from their followers. Fans are asKea to tweet out tnere Is no reward. s Ilke Modern Hamlly are aneaa In tne social media game with in show tweets and polling results from fans.By rewarding ans with seeing their tweets on television and online, Modern Family increases viewership and loyalty to their program. Sleepy Hollow is new and has the potential to establish a great social media presence from the beginning of its programming, however FOX puts little effort into sites. The official website is especially lacking, with a confusing and dark layout. Its interactive map of Sleepy Hollow had the beginnings ofa good idea, however turned out to be boring clips from previous episodes.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Rastafarian religion Essay

Rastafarian religion and everything it includes and goes around is under a strict eye of Jamaican people as well as anthropologists and sociologists on the island and from nearby countries. In fact, this culture splashed out of the current residents of Jamaica (its population) moved to this place mainly from Ethiopia. Noel Leo Erskine could talk about Rasta and followers of this cult, as this author has a clear idea of what it is entirely. He could duly count down a period of time to shape the prerequisites and consequences of Rastafarian culture on Jamaica and its impact on African race and the values of bringing in something ethnically pure and original. On the other side, Anthony F. C. Wallace provides a theoretical approach toward getting indigenous peoples right. It is all about the anthropological implementation in each among most applicable approaches. The book by Erskine is a so-called material to apply to Wallace’s anthropological perspective. It means that the overall analysis of Erskine, as a person who grew up and lived on Jamaica, encounters theoretical touches provided by Wallace. As far as might be seen, it would be fair to make it plain by dint of purely Jamaican suggestions and assumptions by Erskine proved or matched with the theoretical side of Rastafarian religion outlined by Wallace. First of all, it is vital to admit that the sociology of religion is of interest for Wallace in his anthropological research. The author sincerely points out that each among religions (especially those spread over indigenous people or ethnically unique communities) should be recognized and further analyzed through sociology and anthropology aligned to make out the gist of any religion influencing social equilibrium within the society. In this respect Wallace remarks the following idea: My own personal feeling is that sociological viewpoints (including much social anthropology) tend to focus on the scaffolding and milieu of religion rather than on religion itself, and that religion can best be understood from a combination of psychological and cultural points of view (Wallace, 1966, p. vii) Such idea is well provided by Erskine who tends to be accurate in identifying the so-called â€Å"stacks† of Rasta among Jamaican. As a matter of fact, when Wallace grabs more attention to the factors (anthropological and sociological) or environment in which a definite religion appears, Erskine highlights a historical as well as personal background to interpret it correctly. In this case one should keep it in mind that Noel Erskine covers in his book the social issue of Rastafarians in its ethical and religious parameters. Erskine admits that due to the start of the Rastafarian movement by Marcus Garvey and the summer of Rasta owing to Bob Marley this religion became remarkable worldwide (Erskine, 2007). Thus, it fulfilled beliefs of all African Ethiopian people on Jamaica, as Jamaicans by origin. To make it clear, one should understand that due to the religious pivot black people on Jamaica do not need to be repatriated to Ethiopia, as they have got their spiritual beginning on this island and in the Rastafarian peaceful ideology. The Wallace’s framework of the religions formation presupposes the fact that people should be apt at creating their values (Wallace, 1966). These ones bear specific traits peculiar to each among individuals (believers). â€Å"Scaffolding† of a religion is definitely a historical process which requires time and people’s efforts to make it grow in a right direction. Providing an idea of the God, as a black figure, was challenging in a country under British supervision since 1655 up to the period of decolonization (Erskine, 2007). By the way, like in many nations, there were people to raise the feeling of personal uniqueness of Jamaican. Garvey and Marley are symbolically identified in the book by Erskine, as the national heroes and holy people who could make the significance of Jah and Rasta higher amid Christian (Catholic) trends (Erskine, 2007). Wallace in his theoretical ramifications tries to investigate religion in its dynamics and characteristic features by means of finding out the â€Å"meaning of religion in some psychological or sociological function† (Wallace, 1966, p. 51). This corresponds to the way of Erskine’s discussion when he appeals to the mentality of Jamaican people and their strong will for freedom. Religion should unite people for some unique and cutting edge idea. In case with Rastafarians it is so, since it helps Jamaican people find their place â€Å"under the sun of Jamaica. † Religious prospects underlined in the research by Erskine go around the focal point stated as follows: â€Å"God is an African† (Erskine, 2007, p. 158). This strong claim has a background implemented solely in the Rastafarian beliefs and its philosophical and social meaning for Jamaican people. The psychological milieu of the aforementioned statement can be explained in some ways, because God is the manifestation of a definite people’s â€Å"attraction, desire, and union as the fulfillment of desire† (Allen, 1978). Hence, it is possible to say that Erskine has all grounds to state that for Africans God should be an African only. From the anthropological point of view this sounds quite logical, as it is full of characteristic features referred to the history, sociology, philosophy and psychology of Rasta since its formation into a separate religion of African residents on Jamaica. Thus, Wallace’s arguments in describing religion are appropriate to how Erskine points out Rastafarian religious framework and its cultural as well as social value for Jamaicans. This idea can be supported by the excerpt from the Bible where it is told about the importance of Ethiopian people who were in touch with Israeli people in ancient times. This fact cannot but boost the morale African people and their dedication to Christian God but in terms of Rasta. Erskine builds up a strong and biblically supported assumption growing into a statement that â€Å"the exodus will be a return to Ethiopia, the Promised Land† (Erskine, 2007, p. 38). It is when Wallace tries to avoid the issue of meaning in his academic research on the religion in its description and proper formation (Wallace, 1966). Interestingly to admit that the entire picture of Rastafarian religion and its place among the rest of religious trends and ideologies is fully developed and structured. To sum up, the theoretical approaches stated by Anthony F. C. Wallace promote an academic framework for the ideas on Rastafarian religion outlined in the book by Noel Leo Erskine. The anthropological and sociological views which Wallace made cornerstone in his observation of religion on the whole fit the claims and the approach (historical) chosen by Erskine. All in all, the philosophical treatment prescribed to Rasta does not go aside from philosophies included in most popular religions of the world. Reference Allen, D. (1978). Structure and creativity in religion: hermeneutics in Mircea Eliade’s phenomenology and new directions. New York, NY: Walter de Gruyter. Erskine, N. L. (2007). From Garvey to Marley: Rastafari Theology (History of African-American Religions). Boca Raton, FL: University Press of Florida. Wallace, A. F. (1966). Religion; an anthropological view. New York: Random House.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Louis Vuitton Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Louis Vuitton Japan - Essay Example A research by Japan Market Resource Network (JMRN) indicated that many Japanese consumers love a sense of uniqueness. Therefore, most adult and single women do not buy brands that are common with other people (5-6). In the case of Louis Vuitton, the aspect of individualism of the Japanese resulted in considerable adverse results since this company did not embrace that in its brands. The CEO of Louis Vuitton in Japan once claimed that 44 per cent of women in Japan own a Louis Vuitton bag, without the inclusion of other accessories from Louis Vuitton. Considering the level of individualism in Japan, the JMRN research showed that this kind of high penetration might have a negative impact on the Japanese market. An interview with different Japanese women showed that the high visibility and penetration of luxury brands results in the decrease of it aspirational value, thereby evoking unresponsiveness in the market (7). The JMRN’s research identified Botega Veneta, an Italian luxury company as one that is capable of succeeding in the Japanese market due to its responsiveness in addressing the need of Japanese consumers for unique brands. Japanese consumers therefore have claimed that the high penetration and visibility brands of LV, Polo, and Prada, are not worth their premium prices. Nonetheless, this market dilution of LV did not rhyme with the Japanese individualistic nature (8). According to Husband and Chadha, the Japanese and other Asians adore luxury products of European origins and not Asian (96). The local fashion designers in Japan have no influence in the fashion industry. Nearly all the Japanese shop their luxe from the foreign fashion companies such as... The Japanese market was the greatest buyer of Louis Vuitton luxury products during its golden age. This was influenced by the Japanese value of quality and taste. Louis Vuitton is known to produce high-quality products, an aspect that the Japanese were drawn to. However, things changed when Japan was hit by an economic recession, which lasted for quite long. Louis Vuitton could not make the vast sales it made before the recession as most Japanese consumers had changed their perspectives on different aspects of luxury products. Nonetheless, Louis Vuitto greatly contributed to the changes witnessed in the Japanese market, since it had a big influence, being the world’s biggest luxury company. The high penetration and visibility of Louis Vuitto did not measure up to the market demands of the Japanese, as they were a highly individualistic society, which embraced uniqueness. This led them to think that shopping for Louis Vuitton was a waste of their money, and hence, resulted in the change of buying patterns in the Japanese market as people looked for brands that would satisfy their needs. Similarly, this high penetration and visibility of Louis Vuitton led to the further decline of local luxury brands. This resulted in the production of counterfeit Louis Vuitton products in the Japanese market in order to compete with the Louis Vuitton brand. The Japanese were compelled to compromise their value for quality, as it was hard to distinguish between the real and the fake brands of Louis Vuitton.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The require in the accessory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The require in the accessory - Assignment Example s technological advancement or political pressure or from internal sources such as change in requirements of customers and change due to deterioration of performance. As it has been observed change has gained increased emphasis in an organisational context along with the life of an individual therefore it is considered that change management is a vital tool for controlling change and using it in an effective manner. Broadly speaking, change management is a method that supports change and understand the requirement for change which helps an organisation in overcoming any issues being faced in their business activity (The State of Queensland (Public Service Commission, 2014). Change-hypocrisy is the challenge being faced in the contemporary environment by organisations that involves challenge in initiating change that might be quite important for the organisation. Employees in an organisation have the tendency to resist change as there is a difference in attitude and perception of the people towards change (Urhuogo &Williams, 2011; World Federation of Personnel Management Associations, 2005). The study is primarily focused towards identifying the causes of change hypocrisy along with discussing the causes of change. The study further provides recommendation for the implementation of change management in an organisation. Tesco is a multinational company (MNC) which is specialised in selling groceries and merchandises across various countries. The company was formed in the year 1919 by Jack Cohen and actually came into existence in the year 1924 after Cohen bought a cargo of tea from T. E. Stockwell. The company is headquartered in the United Kingdom and is regarded as one of the leading retailer across the globe. The company has been subjected to many changes from its initial establishment to its present business activity and to be precise change has helped the company to gain greater heights and sustain in the global competitive market. Change management in relation

History of Corporate Governance or applicable topic Research Paper

History of Corporate Governance or applicable topic - Research Paper Example With time, corporate governance issues do not seem to tire of introducing certain new legislative rules ad duties that aim at governing the relationship between the stakeholders of various companies as well as their management (Morck, 2005). Furthermore, the beginning of the twentieth century saw to the formulation of sufficient codes among other best practice catalogues that are concerned with corporate governance especially in business communities with the sole aim of satisfying a variety of stakeholders. According to Steger and Amann (2008), despite the fact that the term corporate governance being as old as the various managed entities themselves, it cuts across ownership and management thereby bringing forth a principal-agent problem. The term itself gained its use in the 1980s even though the need for shareholder and owner protection against any managerial issue, existed mush earlier. In the 1970s, probably among the most important functions of the corporate instrument were est ablished to be; establishment of basic objectives, corporate strategies as well as the policies of the board (Stege & Amann, 2008). Also, it was charged with the ultimate responsibility asking various discerning questions and above all, the selection of president. Another feature of corporate governance within this time period was the pyramidal business group. In this system, the shareholders are at the apex who commands a great control over a given single company. Consequently, this company held control blocks in other listed companies. In the 1980s, the extent to which the term corporate governance spread provided an indication of the growing awareness of issues as pertaining to corporate governance. The increased attention was somewhat due to several high profile initial public offerings alongside the privatization of state parastatals. This had an impact of various industrial sectors such as telecommunication, mining and electricity in the U.K which reported a rise in the total earnings (Steger & Amann p.8). In the subsequent years, other countries that employed the same tactic such as Germany which privatized its telecom industry, also realized great profits. The increased shift of attention on issues regarding corporate governance within this period can also be associated with a number of corporate failures and scandals. As a result, corporate governance attempted to influence the stock markets which a lot of people depended much on. The stock markets remarkably increased as corporate governance provided a sense security (Morck, 2005). In the 1990s, there was a rise in awareness of corporate governance in all the central countries. There were a lot of reports, guiding principles as well as the remarkably nice practice codes that called for transparency, conformance and compliance that were issued at board level to the countries in question. These reports clearly outlined the directors’ service contracts, the effectiveness and perceived objectivity of auditing as well as the role of institutional investors. As such, this made a breakthrough corporate governance more so owing to the fact its reports became requisite for companies that were listed in the U.S by the year 1995. Corporate governance has brought with it a distinction between the executive and the supervising members of the board and the division between the chairman of the board and the chief executive officers (C.E.O). For instance, by the year 1998,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Economic Policy Recommendation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Economic Policy Recommendation - Term Paper Example Frictional unemployment is regarded as the easiest type of employment. It takes workers to shift from one job to another since some workers lose their jobs before they have other jobs lined up. This period of unemployment lasts for a short period and is not problematic from an economist’s point of view. Cyclical unemployment is the type that occurs during periods of recession or depression and the rates lowers during periods of high economic growth. During recessions, the demand for goods and services in a given economy falls. Companies react by laying off some workers and cutting production instead of reducing wages and prices. Unemployment therefore results since there are more workers in the economy than the available jobs. Economists put focus on the root causes of the economic downturns that result in this problem (John 2010).Structural unemployment occurs when the labour market has more workers than the available jobs. This kind of unemployment also results when workers possess skills that are not in high demand in the market place, and lack those that are in demand. Structural unemployment is significant since it is long term as the employers’ requirements and workers’ skills don’t match. Seasonal unemployment is another type that occurs in fields where worker demands vary widely over the course of the year. It is regarded as less problematic compared to structural unemployment since it is short term.Unemployment does not only affect the unemployed person but the society in general. It forces people to live in a way they do not wish, bringing unhappiness, despair and anguish. Unemployment is related to mental health problems such as depression, low self esteem and feeling unworthy. Ill health may also result from malnutrition, drug addiction, poor prenatal care which occurs in cases of unemployment. Many studies link unemployment to family disruption. Tension increases at home due to the quarrels and argument which is reflecte d in the increase in divorces. Unemployment is associated with increase in crime and violence in the society (Hall, 2005). The unemployed people are faced with financial insecurity which results in poverty and indebtedness. Other social problems that results from unemployment include homelessness, ethnic antagonism and school dropouts. Unemployment worsens an individual’s situation since the longer a person is out of job, the more difficult it is to secure one. Employment gap is a negative aspect as no one is willing to employ a person who has been out of job for long. Long period of unemployment causes a potential worker to lose skills. The living standards of unemployed persons are low. Due to job competition, even the salaries of employed persons are reduced which lowers their living standards as well. Unemployment can result into political instability

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Compare Mac and Windows System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Compare Mac and Windows System - Essay Example Hence, they dominate the market. The cost difference is mainly because of the hardware running on these operating systems (Junior & Kumar, 2014). Apple has exclusive rights to the hardware produced that run on the MAC operating system. On the other hand, Windows-based system has third party developers. Therefore, unlike MAC system where there is only one manufacturer, competition is often low. On the contrary, in Windows system, there are a number of competitors, which results in lower prices. Design is another big difference between Apple MAC systems and Microsoft Windows system. In this aspect, MAC products tend to be superior. The unconventional focus on design by the former Apple CEO Steve Jobs explains this. Manufacturers of Windows based hardware often attempt to create more design-oriented models to compete with Apple products with none yet to achieve the popular acclaim commanded by MAC products (Oh & Moon, 2012).However, Windows based systems have the advantage of having a variety of designs. Consumers have a variety of design options on account of the fact that the Windows based systems have thousands of manufacturers. With MAC products, consumers are limited to Apple’s design. MAC system is more compatible with other software than Window system, which only support Windows friendly software. However, Windows has software that is more widely available with limited number of software written for MAC operating system (Zhang, SÃ ©nac, Lochin, & Diaz, 2013). Windows system still has several programs that are specific to it. To close this gap, MAC collaborated with Microsoft on the popular Office Suite. Windows Office still has more features and functionality than the MAC version. Malware and viruses are often designed to target Windows-based system. This is because a vast number of computers in the world run on Windows system. For this reason, MAC systems tend to be more secure. However, it does not imply that the attack on MAC system is impossible,

Monday, September 23, 2019

The bible from Genesis to Revelations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The bible from Genesis to Revelations - Essay Example God created Eve and Adam who later gave birth to three sons, that is, Cain, Seth, and Abel. After some time Enoch emerges and later Noah and the ark. Next, is the story of the tower built in Babel and after about 1000 years later, Abraham also appears. The story of the people chosen by God begins from Abraham. This is because God had promised Abraham that he will make him a father of a big nation and his descendants will be as many as the stars. Abraham after many years gave birth to Isaac who later gave birth to Esau and Jacob. The name Jacob later changed to Israel and Israel means â€Å"wrestles with God†. Jacob gave birth to twelve sons who later formed tribes in Israel. The tribes were twelve in number just as they were twelve. Jacob’s most famous son was Joseph. Joseph was sold as a slave to Egyptians, and later he rose to a higher rank in Egypt and because of his influence in the Egyptian government, he managed to bring his family to stay in Egypt in order to save them from famine. The story in the book of exodus starts 400 years later. In this book, the family of Israel does not enjoy the prestigious status as it used to when Joseph was alive. Most of them were taken as slaves as when Joseph died (Maartens & Van, 2011). After about 400 years later, God broke His silence with his manifestations seen when he revealed Himself through signs and wonders to the masses. God, in order to make pharaoh leave his people to go back to the Promised Land, did many wonders in Egypt. The wonders inclu ded the plagues that he brought to the Egyptians. When Pharaoh released the Israelites, God gave them directions and told them how to build the tabernacle and this marked the book of exodus. The book of Leviticus begins, but it is full of laws hence nothing much on it can be discussed. Numbers is the next one and a good part of this book is about census. It begins with a census where they count the population of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Finding the Leader in You Essay Example for Free

Finding the Leader in You Essay A conference was held at the Saint Agnes Medical Center in Fresno on October 22, 2008 with an objective of teaching the audience how to find the leader in them. I should note that this event was the most informative and enlightening conference that I have ever attended. Stephanie Robinson, the first speaker of the conference, is the director of the Nursing Department of Fresno City College. Robinson began her lecture by providing some statistical data regarding numerous topics including how medication errors are taking a toll on the hospital’s financial resources in terms of lawsuits, recovery fees, and other expenses that are associated with those errors. Unfortunately, these errors have caused hospitals to lose large amounts of money, and, in order for them to regain these losses, they started to take every measure necessary to reduce those costs and add it to their profit. The measures that Robinson described included effective scheduling of the staff, preventive measures for medical errors, as well as a good, effective, and standardized patient charting. As a leader, it is the nurse’s responsibility to make sure that they chart every procedure done to and information about the patient. This will protect them against any liability issue that may arise, and to help them have a better charting documentation at the same time. Another way of reducing medication problems is an idea that some of the nurse leaders have come up with, which include e-charting and medication dispensing machines with scanners and barcode technology. This would require nurses to double check their orders and the medications before giving it to the patients. All those statistical data that were presented demonstrated that all the errors committed were preventative, and they could dramatically be reduced if proper safety measures were taken. According to the speaker, education is the most important contributing factor to prevent these extra high costs. As she was saying, we are all living in a digital world where we have access to many resources, yet our busy schedules and everyday problems would not let us research or attend any meetings. Here, the speaker used a very interesting example indicating that we use places such as airports, shopping malls, and even gas stations to provide healthcare and other health related information to people, but we refuse to take some time and provide basic education to our own people at their very own work places. As responsible leaders, it is their duty to provide constant education to their staff. They are also required to observe the activities of their staff at all times. Again as the statistics show, the high number of preventable medical situations such as post operative infections, medication errors, and other complications happens in hospitals settings, and unfortunately these make hospitals look very unsafely and defeats their prime purpose, which is to heal and provide medical care. We can use technology to provide education to our nurses, as well as to help them prevent these types of errors by developing better, more standardized, simple to use medical equipments, electronic order entry and charting, wireless and bar-coding systems, and other numerous ways. Again, she emphasized on the importance of having nurse leaders to provide constant, up-to-date education to help nurses and prevent future medical errors. The second speaker was Pilar De La Cruz-Reyes and she pretty much continued where the last speaker left off by saying that just like any other place, nurses’ scope of practice will be regulated by the hospital and the board of registered nurses. The board defines registered nurses’ role as giving dependent and independent care such as providing safety, comfort, personal hygiene and protection to help patients go through their daily activity. By doing this, we would be able to know any normal and abnormal findings and use our logic to question anything that appears to be abnormal. After attending this conference and having the chance to hear what the speakers had to say, I learned that being a nurse leader is a very important task in terms of providing the best care to patients, as well as the best education to the staff. I also learned that being a nurse automatically makes me a leader and this realization makes me feel obligated and responsible to everything that I do as a nurse. Lastly, I learned that being a patient advocate should always be my priority.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Computer Dynamics Network Proposal

Computer Dynamics Network Proposal Computer Dynamics is a company with 300 computers in three adjacent five-story building with 100 computers in each building. The LANs are similar in each building with a data center is located in one building on the second floor. There are no other office locations. The current system is poorly designed and must be completely replaced. Develop a logical design for this enterprise campus that considers the seven network architecture components. The first thing that I would do is conduct a site survey of the companys existing network and obtain any documentation   such as site names, locations contacts, cabling layout, server room location, and operational hours. I then would run a network analysis of the entire network to check the efficiency of the current system. Faults that are defined during the test then I would addressed them prior to the new system install. The assumptions that I have made are that each building will have twenty computers per floor and the main building will also include the data center on the second floor. I would then meet with Computer Dynamics Company to identify the requirements of what they expect for a network. Topics to address would be the type of applications that are being used and any future application requirements that they may expect, goals of the company, and if any limitations or constraints they may have. Gathering the preliminary information from the customer I could then start the design process. The proposal to Computer Dynamics Company would be based off the seven network architecture components.   Each building LAN would be designed using a physical star topology that would connect the twenty computers on each floor with shielded twisted pair cable to a twenty four port 10 gigabyte switch. I would also propose a wireless network for each building along with a wired network. The wireless network would involve replacing the existing access points with 802.11ac access points three per building. The placement of the new access points on different channels would be placed on floors one, three and five of each building. The twenty four port ten gigabyte switches installed on each floor of the three buildings would be connected to a main switch located on the main floor of each building. They in turn are connected to a router placed in each building on the first floor. The connections between the five switches to the router in each building would use multi-mode fiber optic cabling as well as the connections from building to building. The designated main building will contain the data center on the second floor which contains the servers for the company. This data center would also contain the e-commerce edge enabling potential customers along with their existing customers to the view the company website. Each of the buildings LANs would connect to the data center through a switch with a fiber uplink port. The main building networks along with the other two buildings would be terminated via the other end of the fiber cable into ports on the main building data switch. Any connectivity to the outside via internet service would be connected through a gateway router that is connected directly into the main data switch. The need for a 10/100/1000 service needs to be provided by the companies ISP. Using this design would enable all 300 computer to have internet access and the ability to connect to any company server located at any of the other buildings. The last part of my proposal would be to test the new/upgrade system to ensure it meets Computer Dynamics requirements. I then would propose Computer Dynamics company use the network for an established period of time so they can monitor, verify, and make recommendations as needed. Once they are satisfied with the operation of the new network system, I would provide them with documentation of the site names, locations contacts, cabling layout, server room location, and equipment upgrades or changes of locations. Works Cited FitzGerald, Jerry, Alan Dennis, and Jerry FitzGerald. Business Data Communications and Networking. New York: Wiley, 1996. Print. How to design network | Eight step design methodology. Networking Virtualization. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2017.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Nature Of Reference Group Influence Marketing Essay

The Nature Of Reference Group Influence Marketing Essay Referent power plays a very important role in marketing communication, following report look in to different influences groups and referent power. How referent power affect one. How affective a referent power is? How a marketer can use it to his advantage. What are the factors which make referent power effective? Different theories have been discussed. This report will be looking critically on evaluating the role of referent power in marketing, evaluate the role it will play in future, and provide a future marketing plan. This report of Referent power and why it can be a potent force for marketing appeals was written as a final assignment for the Consumer Behavior module. Humans are social animals and they always looks to other for appreciation, they want acceptance in the social circle. They identify themselves with some groups and consciously or subconsciously they imitate members of the group to fit in. They try to imitate those qualities by copying the referents behavior. What we think of ourselves is influenced in our social interaction by the reaction of others whose values we share or judgment we respect. Our attire, vehicles we use and career make statements about us, and our behaviors and lifestyles are the presentation of ourselves to our influence groups. By wearing a particular brand T shirt bring us closure to our group. Advertisers have different task while creating a promo or advertising depending on what are their target segment. Marketers use all three major influencing groups before launching a campaign. There are three form of reference group; Informational, normative and identification When an individual is not sure he uses the behavior and opinion of reference group members as potentially useful bits of information and try to copy it. In this case individual may have similarity with the other members of the group or expertise of the member group. So a person sees members of group using the same brand of tea he may decide to try same for Himself because he has evidence that it may be a good brand. Ads which wants to use informational power will quote something like they used it will you? Intelligent people like only one thingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ REFERRENT power is the power of prominent people to affect others consumption behaviors by virtue of product endorsement ( 50 cents for Reebok)(Pic 1.1), distinctive fashion statements On the cover of US Magazine today. Celebrity Baby Jessica Albas little princess, Honor Marie Wearing Ooh La La Mamas FLY SPIRIT onesie). or championing of causes. Campaign began with identifying three major sports figures who had a connection to lung cancer (Troy Aikman, Joe Buck, and Cal Ripken, Jr ( Pic 1.2) To understand this mechanism an example is helpful. Suppose there are two restaurants and a group of people on the street outside deciding which one to eat at. The most well-informed individuals (those with higher precision in making these types of decisions) will decide first and everyone will see some people start to line up outside of one restaurant. If the others know this person is of higher precision (and even if they dont) a few people will follow their lead and join the line. Each new person who lines up outside of the restaurant sends a signal to the rest of the group (and in particular their friends and family) that this is the restaurant to pick. The more people who follow the signal, the stronger it gets and you have an Informational Cascade. Pic 1.2 The idea is presented in rigorous detail in a paper called Theory of fads, Fashion, Custom and Cultural Change as Informational cascades written by Sushil Bikhchandani, David Hirshleifer and Ivo Welch and published in 1992. To paraphrase: An informational cascade occurs when it is optimal for an individual, having observed the actions of those ahead of him to follow the behavior of the preceding individual without regard to his own informationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The prediction that a low-precision individual imitates a higher-precision predecessor is consistent with the evidence of numerous psychological experiments demonstrating that a subjects previous failure in a task raises the probability that in further trials he will imitate a model performing the task (see Thelen, Dollinger, and Kirkland 1979, p. 146)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Reference group doesnt have equal power for all types of products and consumption activities. Question is does consumers search rationally or it depends on NEED It has been seen that search is more in consumers who are moderately knowledgeable, when the product is low in perceived risk. There are two dimension that influence the degree to which referent power can work they are whether the purchase is to be consumed publicly or privately and whether its luxury or a necessity. Referent has more power over purchase which re for luxury rather than necessity and second important place where we can see the referent power is when the purchase is socially visible to other(William.,O, et al,1982) Referent power is inferred to the influencer by their subordinates. Project team members who have a great deal of respect and high regard for their project managers willingly go along with decisions made by the project manager because of referent power. If one admires the quality of a person or a group will try to imitate by copying referent behavior Prominent people celebrities can affect peoples consumption behavior by virtue of product endorsement, fashion statements or championing cause . referent power is important to many marketing strategies because consumers voluntarily change to please or identify with a referent 3.2. Normative influence Also known as utilitarian influence, occurs when an individual follows group expectation to gain a direct reward or to avoid a sanction ( Fischer et al, 1998). You may purchase one brand of beer to win acceptance by a friend or wont wear one particular brand for of teasing by friend. This influence is directly related with the bond of a person with its group Strongest the bond strong will be the influence. Mostly younger consumer are powered by this influence. A teenager starts smoking under this influence. 3.3. Identification Influence Also known as value-expressive influence, occur when consumer has adopted all values and attitude of group and identify himself with the. Here to influence advertiser will show the brand being used by socially active group It has been seen that teenagers and young one get influenced by this groups as they live under peer pressure(Auty,s.2001) You will hear in super market a child convincing his mother to buy a particular brand of cereals cause His friends use it , or a particular brand of shoes because his friends told him they are the best. It is these influence which leads them to cigarettes alcohol consumption influence as well. These influences can be used directly or indirectly by the marketer. Many researcher have researchers have come to conclusion lineage is also a very important factor where mother daughter and sisters will use the same brand and will have same shopping pattern (Miller, 1975; Moore-Shay and Lutz, 1988). .4. Celebrity as a referent power in advertising Celebrities like movie stars, sports person, Television stars help grab attention and communicate easily with consumers who admire them or wants to be like them. Its also known as ubiquitous feature of modern Marketing ( Mc Cracken, 1989), and approximately 20 percent of all promotions and advertisement uses use some type of celebrity endorsement (Bradley, 1996) . Marketers spends huge amount of money on celebrity contract on the belief that celebrity are effective spokesperson for their product or brand. Its very common that one celebrity becomes identity of one particular brand or product but in some cases more than one celebrity are being used. Like Pepsi uses superstar Shahrukh khan for his brand promo. Selection of a celebrity is very important characteristics of celebrity should match up with the brand to communicate effectiveness.( Kahle, Homer, 1985),Some companies used multiple celebrities to communicate. In the context of celebrity endorsement advertisement consumer may ask whether endorsers are promoting the product because she really believe in it? Or just because she has been paid to promote it. Its the attributes of celebrity which should match with perception of consumer. Thus sometime using multiple celebrities to endorse the product may help the product to reach the consumer (Mowen and Brown, 1981). Market also assumes that to reach target audience the celebrity should be like the consumer. Celebrity should have credibility attractiveness, Integrity and the main thing Plausibility he/ she behaves as referent influence, if referent Is not plausible it will not be effective . Here referent will be effective and will hold power by their influence as they are aspiration ass ociate group. Celebrities with a bigger Halo will have bigger effect. Despite more and more celebrity are pitched in, many commercials using celebrity endorsers do not live up to the expectations (Miciak and Shanklin, 1994). However, if used appropriately, celebrity endorsers can play a very important role in developing brand equity and enhancing a brands competitive position. Like Andre Agassi fits well with, and enhances, the image of Canons Rebel line of cameras. And Nike and Michael Jordon are synonymous when one thinks of Jordon they think of Nike, they have become part of each other. Before endorsing a product with particular celebrity marketer should do research that how well the celebrity and the brand belong together and how celebrity represent the product.. If there is great ease and relation of brand an d celebrity they get more quickly develop an association. 5. Degree of Reference Group Influence If one sees critically around us we can clearly sees that consumer does not decide abruptly. Referent power of any kind is always playing at the back of his mind. It suggest that rational persuasion, inspirational appeals are effective in influencing final decision(Farrell and Schroder(1996).while the influence of personal appeals, coalition or any kind of pressure were ineffective in any decision outcome( Case etal., 1988). So one can say that things which does not personally appeal or internalize favorable attitude one are not effective or will not have a very strong motivation in buying behavior. As it is well said Power is the ability to effect change (Kohli and Zaltman, 1988.,Ghoneim, 1987) These influencing power can be used by marketer A number of authors have well said that power is the ability to effect changes. Conversely, power bases depends on the characteristics of an individual that afford Referent power will have different impact on different people in different situation, or may be the category of the product used, or the brand used As the purchase is done to influence the group, the product or brand should be visible, for example product like watch, shoes, here product category ( watch), and brand (Swatch) are all visible. The consumption of some tonic is private .Referent power is quite visible when the product is visible to the group and he get accepted or appreciated in the group for his buy. High involvement Low involvement Significant Differences between brands Complex buying behavior Variety- seeking buying behavior Few Differens between brands Dissonance-reducing Buying behavior Habitual buying behavior (Table 5.1) If the need is high there is less power of referent for example when one want to buy a microwave. Reference group influence will be higher if one wants to buy things which is less necessary e.g. in buying clothes or in simple words on can say that decision to buy toothpaste tennis racket, a personal computer, a refrigetor are all very different. Expensive and complex purchase or things which involve more knowledge involve more participant and more suggestion from peer are taken.( Table 5.1)( Henry 1987) Relationship, bondage of of an individual with the group is another very important criteria which can affect on purchasing decision. More one feels committed to the group more he get influence by the referent power . One will be more careful when in dressing up when joining a group whom he wants to influence than when he wants to go for dinner with group he doesnt feel related or committed. It also depends on activity in which individual is involve with a group , How relevant is the activity for example going for office dinner is more important than going out with your friend for a match. There is clear evidence that individual differ in tendency in getting powered by influence (keillor et al,1996)Reference influence is also related to a reward or punishments, reward may be in the form of acceptance in the group, promotion gain trust with your peer and punishments may be in the form of rejection or hatred. In preteen group it may be severe and of social consequences. So to it can be said that referent power should have authority to implement both. We can still argue that referent power should not misuse legal power or illegally pressurize as he might use credibility Refrent power is someone which is look upon by individual and if it loses credibility and trust power will be gone. So we can say that the greater the referent power, the lower the use of legitimate pressure (Farell et al.,1999). In this context its interesting to know about the balance theory (Heider, 1946) Every individual have some preconceived ideas and perception which remain at his subconscious level. And while purchasing it plays a very important role. The greatest power one has over other is when one is sufficiently intimate to permit other to facilitate, because the relation between influencer and consumer is cohesive. Referent power involvement Lets take an example I want to purchase a very expensive notebook I have seen advertisement of Dell, hp and Acer now I m confuse I want to buy something g which is very important but I dont have much knowledge what will I do I will not just go an d purchase it from the counter I will go to one of my friend or family member who has knowledge about it I will involve his opinion. But if at the same time I m hungry and I want to buy a packet of biscuit I will just go to the supermarket and choose any packet or may be the one I have been using from the shelf I would not involve others and take opinion from others for purchasing a pack of biscuit. So opinion leader are needed where there is high purchase involve with no knowledge of product while when low purchase involvement is there I wont take any opinion even if I have less knowledge( Table 1.1) PRODUCT/ PURCHASE INVOLVEMENT Product knowledge High Product knowledge Low HIGH Moderate High Low Low Moderate (Table 6.1) Consumers, especially gen X, tend to follow their peer what they feel trendy and worn by the `in crowd (Agins 1999; Spiegler 1996). Here we can see their deep-seated willingness and thirst to belong, often becoming image- and brand-conscious consumers. Now `what is trendy is what they drive from word-of-mouth communications. Retail Entrepreneur of the Year, Anne Yuri Namba, has found to be quoted as that her home business was initiated and stimulated entirely by word of mouth. As her fame spread, so did the demand for her unusual, highly distinctive fashions (Chain Store Age 2000). Marcus (1999) reported that word of mouth plays an very important role along with demographic information when decisions are made in the fashion industry. One can say, fashion demand may be generated by the simultaneous presence of local externalities and word-of-mouth communication (Corneo and Olivier 1999).Individual sharing information about with other highly target consumer plays a very critical role o n consumer decision and market success. Our friends and relatives are the main source of information, when we are in group we observe their styles, what product they use or by directly asking the opinion. One research shown that half of American agrees that that they often seeks advice of others before making any purchase and 40% feel that people come to them for advice. (Walkes, p 40). The internet has changed the term a little now it can be called Word Of Internet. Where one seek advice from a complete stranger. There are some individual who actively filter, interpret, or provide brand or product information to their family and friends, They are called opinion Leaders they play very strong referent power influence over other WE just cant credit only referent power involved in purchasing decision of an individual we cant pass anything to them making it look like their group or brand image Research have shown that decision to purchase particular product is also influenced by the image and credibility of the companies that market and manufacture consumer products (Lafferty and Goldsmith 1999). If the company is positively portrayed, and has a good image consumers generally maintain a positive disposition toward the company and its products. However, if the company has some rumor some ethical or cultural issues in the backyard , less favorable feelings may subsequently influence whether consumers decide to purchase the companys products (Lee and Bernstein 2000; Ligos 1999). How Much Does It affect During 1996 one rumored was spread about Tommy Hilfiger, stating that company had made some bad remarks African-Americans and Asian which were their core clients. The rumor was mostly on internet. Hilfiger websites denied the rumor completely and there was call to was call to boycott Tommy Hilfiger clothing, especially in the African-American. T The strength and persistence of the strength of rumor suggested that it will affect the sale of brand in African-American market African-American magazine telling them not to buy who doesnt respect ( Graves 1998) here the referent power was internet, mouth to mouth and magazine community, the whole impact was studied and recorded( kImberly 2001) One implication of these recordings was that the staying power of the rumors had eventually harm sales of the Tommy Hilfiger brand in a core target market. Wall street Journal article reported a 28 per cent decrease in sales for the Tommy Hilfiger company (Agins 2001). Company denied the rumored took African-American model and try to recapture the market and used integrated marketing scheme strategically. In retail market consumer is very important and referent power play a very important role Thus retail clothing market should take careful measurements to track their image all designers, regardless of popularity, must follow up their image a nd communications with their consumers. In one of the similar case Reebok has been forced to clarify itself for more than a decade against a rumor that company produce its products in South Africa and supported apartheid ( Turnet 1992). Initially company didnt take much notice and didnt think much of it but later company suffered protests and boycotts and then company has to come out its forceful campaign `Reebok is NOT in South Africa (Kazi-Ferrouillet 1990). And till now company addressed the issue on its website ( Referent influence has been examined in the context of consumer vulnerability to interpersonal influence (Bearden et al., 1989) where influence is the extent to which an individuals consumer choices are influenced by other people. In impulse buying its the cognitive behavior which is seen where a consumer cannot get the information from any one so He doesnt come under informational power but high level of normative influence comes in existence and affect the purchase decision, thus we can say that normative consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence is positively related to the affective component of impulse buying. When will it effect We have to understand stages in purchasing decision of a buyers Information search Refrent group Internet search promo Check option Pricing Brand image Purchase decisions He decide to purchase Need Awareness May be prompted by marketing Post buying behavior, Reinforcement from media friends (Diagram 8.1) Stages of Consumer Buying Behavior 1. Need Awareness: A need may arise or been establish by promotion of a companys marketing. Refrent power here may or may not be very influential 2. Information Search: Buyers search and ask Internet has made research easier for buyers. He may read on websites of different company .Here referent power play a very important role. As he is seeking the information company may use its influence with promos, handout an updated websites or trial samples distribution 3. Check Options: Once information is collected customer will evaluate all option he will search for price and company credibility.. 4. Purchase Decision: The last step just sell and close the deals at this moment any influencing may harm. If he is still hesitant u can still recommend and help your buyers for the best deal .5. Post Buying Behavior: Todays marketer knows very well that to keep loyalty of a customer is very important as now he himself will be a referent power over the other potential buyers. Even at this stage any negative reinforcement will bring remorse and he may not recommend it to others. Influence of referent power also depends on at what stage is a brand once a brand mature its brand image itself is good referent power but at introduction stage a company needs good referent power. 9. Conclusion Referent power is very effective in certain cases and marketer should use that power but at the same time they should keep in mind that for that power to be influential they have to keep certain points in mind Referent power to be effective should bring a connection with the consumer, or he should look up to it or relate to him Message used by referent power should be used as simple as possible it should not be complex or confusing Celebrity power will be more effective if used repeatedly as it strengthen the relationship of brand with that celebrity and so it brings trust in the target audience When choosing a celebrity marketer should be careful that he is already not strongly associated to some other brand or services, but nothing comes without a drawback. If celebrity or your referent power get into negative publicity it brings down with him the product. A wrong selection will tarnish the whole image Referent power is effective if your target audience is young and not much knowledgeable about the brand or product. Its more affective on one who does not have much knowledge and have low self image It so one can say its most effective with children. Referent power does not only influence at the time of purchasing but also post purchasing as after purchasing a product Consumer look at his influence group for appreciation and even any negative comment at that stage will disheartened him and He may not buy the product again A company should not try to play its own trumpet but can bring trust and credibility through awards, media or testimonials of other customers Make a purchase an happy ending for him offer him warranty period or an extended trial period will help in Him becoming a potential referent power over other buyers

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Power of Kurtz in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness :: Heart Darkness essays

The Power of Kurtz in Heart of Darkness Power has been defined as the psychological relations over another to get them to do what you want them to do.   We are exposed to forms of power from the time of birth.   Our parents exercise power over us to behave in a way they deem appropriate. In school, teachers use their power to help us learn.   When we enter the work world the power of our boss motivates us to perform and desire to move up the corporate ladder so that we too can intimidate someone with power one day.   In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Kurtz had a  power over the jungle and its people that was inexplicable. Kurtz is one of many men sent into the jungle to rape the land and its people of its natural resources.   Many men have journeyed into the jungle also refereed as the heart of darkness never to return.   Kurtz goes into the jungle and becomes obsessed with the people and the land.  Ã‚   Though Kurtz has an obsession with ivory this is not the sole reason for him to overstay his welcome in the jungle. Power this is what kept Kurtz in the jungle for such a long period of time.   Determined not to become another causality he becomes allies with the natives through fear.   Kurtz is a brilliant man who did not have to adapt to his environment but had it adapt to him.   On top of a hill his hut is surrounded by the heads of men who have betrayed in him some sort, this serves as a reminder to anyone who contemplates going against his wish.    When Marlow finally reaches Kurtz he is in declining health.   This same jungle which he loved, embraced and consumed with every ounce of his flesh had also taken its toll on him.   Marlow finally meets the man whose name has haunted him on his river journey.   Could this frail human be the ever so powerful Kurtz?   The man who has journeyed into uncharted territories and has come back with scores of ivory and the respect of the native tribe.   Yes, this was the very man and though he is weak and on his way to death his power still exudes from him. This is where the definition of power comes in to play the â€Å"psychological relation† see even though his body was decomposing his mind was still sharp.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Roderick Chisholm on freedom of the will Essay -- essays research pape

There is much debate over the issue of whether we have complete freedom of the will or if our will caused by something other than our own choosing. There are three positions adopted by philosophers regarding this dispute: determinism, libertarianism, and compatibilism. Determinists believe that freedom of the will does not exist. Since actions are events that have some predetermined cause, no actions can be chosen and thus there is no will to choose. The compatibilist argues that you can have both freedom of the will and determinism. If the causes which led to our actions were different, then we could have acted in another way which is compatible with freedom of the will. Libertarians believe that freedom of the will does exist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Roderick Chisholm defends Libertarianism, and in his essay â€Å"Human Freedom and The Self† argues that we have freedom of the will. Chisholm does not abandon the idea of causes but instead defines two types of causation. The first is transeunt causation where one event or state of affairs causes another event or state of affairs. This causation is based on a relationship between events. The second is immanent causation where an agent causes an event or state of affairs. An agent is an uncaused causer of events who is not bound by the laws of nature. This causation is based on the relationship between an agent and an event. Chisholm quotes a passage from Aristotle to demonstrate his immanent causation, â€Å"Thus, a staff moves a...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Playing Hard to Get Essay

Walster, Walster, Piliavin, & Schmidt have designed a study to test the why women play hard to get when to comes to dating. This article is talks about how there are two different types of women when it comes to relationships. One type is the easy to get and hard to get. Easy to get women are girls who are either desperate for affection, who might have to many demands for their significant other, may want to get serious right away and possibly may have a disease. Whereas, the hard to get women have something about them that every guy would want to be with, she knows she is pretty and that every guy would do anything for her. A women knows in her mind, playing hard to get will make any man go through all kinds of trouble or challenges just trying to please her and hopefully making the girl like him or even falling in love with him. If a guy, can get to be with her it’s like winning a gold prize and gaining respect from all kinds of men because they can recognize that the girl is a hard to get girl. The experimenters tested 5 different experiments to test and see if any theories can prove about these hard to get girls. Experiment I was the dissonance theory was the first experiment was to predict to see if one had to spend a lot of energy to attain one goal because he would be unappreciative of the outcome. Experiment II was the learning theory was next to see if two advantages were attainable: exclusiveness with value and frustration that will increase drive. Experiment III was the Schachtarian theory requires two components just like the learning theory to test the person for calling it love. Both Walsters & Lyons designed a field study and a laboratory experiment in to demonstrate that men prefer a date that plays hard to get. Computer matching service was conducted for women to be hired as experimenters. Precise instructions was given on how to respond when their computer match called them for a date by pausing to think for at least 3 seconds accepting the date, which would be labeled hard to get. Other times women were told to accept the date immediately, to be labeled as easy to get. The results indicated that elusiveness had no impact on the man’s liking for his computer. Experiment IV was a laboratory experiment that tested the knowledge that a woman is elusive gives one indirect evidence that she is socially desirable. This indirect evidence should have the biggest impact when a man has no way of acquiring direct evidence about a coed’s value or when he has little confidence in his own ability to assess value. When direct evidence is available, and the man possesses supreme confidence in his ability to make correct judgments, information about a woman’s elusiveness should have little impact on a man’s reaction to her. Blind dates were being tested to see if this came true. Experiment V, we had decided that perhaps the hard-to-get hypothesis must be tested in a sexual setting with prostitutes that gave the men mixed drinks that will see if the hard to get hypothesis is true. Later this experiment resulted that there is two components: How hard or easy she is for him to get & how hard or easy she is for other men to get. To test this, 71 male summer students at the University of Wisconsin were recruited for a dating research project. This was designed to determine whether computer matching techniques are in fact more effective than is random matching. All participants were invited to come into the dating center in order to choose a date from a set of five potential dates. When the subject arrived at the computer match office, they were handed folders containing background information on five women. Some of these women had supposedly been â€Å"randomly† matched with him and others had been â€Å"computer matched† with him but in reality, all five folders contained information about fictitious women. Experiments asked if they liked her, would you get along, first impressions and questions of that nature. All these results of their hypothesis turned out to be false but learned new information of women being hard to get. In my own opinion, the experiments did their best to test this phenomenon regardless of how old this article is because till this day, a hard to get women is described as someone who requires a lot of work in order to talk or to be seen with. Being with a women gives the man a lot of respect because start to question to figure out what does a man have to do to be such a girl with high standards. These experiments are valid even though they have failed but have demonstrated how these women work when playing hard to get. When it comes to girls, men are usually clueless because there are no set rules on how they react or how to keep them happy. Any interaction with women are general is an experiment because it involves a lot of variables, different possibilities of what the men can say leading to various reactions from the women. A follow up study can be done because this article is over 20 years old but it may just strengthen the results of this article. A study of how or why women act hard to get in the first place, their intentions or see if there are any tricks to get by these kinds of women. Experiment V was the best experiment to test by randomly selecting girls for the men and seeing what their likes and dislikes were when women were being hard to get. Men today have changed a lot when these experiments have taken place according to society at that time. I feel that these experimenters did all they could with their limited technology and how boys and girls acted in that time frame. Nowadays, women explore all options of being hard to get and easy to get by mixing it to fully get what they want and that drives men insane because we tend to get clueless of how things work. This article is valid of what has been tested and outcomes that of that women playing hard to get is still unknown till this day.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hrm Ulrichs Model Essay

?Briefly describe the major features you would expect to find in an HR function which has adopted the Ulrich Model as the basis for its structure. The HR model as defined by Ulrich (1997) states that HR function should be: 1. Strategic Partners: Sit at the managerial table and contribute to the organisations strategy and alignment of HR strategy. Communicates efficiently with line management. Understands the business environment and drives key business processes and activities2. Change Agents: Support, facilitate and initiate change,act as a stabilising force for employees in times of change 3. Employee Champions: Takes action to protect the interests and well being of the employees and ensuring they are the voice of the employee. 4. Administrative Experts: Ensures polices and procedures are up to date, they are legally compliant and have the ability to deliver innovative HR practices in HR recruitment, employee development and communication In the 1990’s Dave Ulrich moved to the three legged stool model for the organisation of the HR Function, this provided – Centres of excellence This is a HR unit or an outsourced facility that provides HR services to a number of parties within the organisation. HR experts provide high level advice and solutions on key services and hr activities such as training and development, recruitment, reward and employee relations. Strategic Business Partners Senior HR Managers work closely with business leaders and line managers to contribute to the overall organisations strategy and align with HR strategy. They understand the business environment and drive key business processes and activities. HRM are expected to be creative Shared Services centres Large organisations provide a centralised HR function which deliver routine HR administration such as payroll, recruitment administration or absence monitoring.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

In the stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald, everyone in the end experiences defeat. To what extent is this statement true? Essay

In â€Å"Flappers and Philosophers†, the ideas of defeat and humiliation are presented throughout the collection. The author produces a profound exploration into the lives of the female protagonists who depend on popularity and sexuality as sources of power. It also deals with the ramifications of being an outsider during that period of time and how defeat is nearly always the result from the need for acceptance into those societies. Although many of the characters suffer the negative consequences of their actions in their respective societies, some do achieve victory, but at a price. To understand the characters in the story we must first deal with the social, cultural and historical contexts. These short stories were written between the world wars and among the interwar boom, before the Great Depression. This era was very important of women, young people, the arts and creative industries. The blossoming of youth culture also contributed to the rise of â€Å"flapperdom†. Before this period, we had the Victorian era, where women were subjected to immense conservatism, and their emotions and opinions were unjustly oppressed. Women were expected to cover up and know their place in the social hierarchy. â€Å"Flapperdom† introduced the thought of independence and non-conformity. The epitome of this idea would be the character of Ardita in â€Å"The Offshore Pirate†. She is an allegory that represents a whole shift in the mode of behaviour, a kind of liberation into something that is more dangerous, alive and sexy. In many of the short stories the female protagonist does suffer from defeat as shown in the short story â€Å"The Ice Palace†. Sally Carrol is a Southern Belle, who wishes to become a flapper. She does not succeed in this matter, as she is forced to return to her home after a trial run in the North. The author has used two distinct sematic fields to suggest the binary opposition between the North and the South. The South is warm and bright, with â€Å"the sunlight dripp[ing] over the house light golden paint.† The central motif in the paragraph of the short story is liquid light and that gives the reader a feeling of warmth and laziness. The two worlds are juxtaposed when the author describes the setting of the North. The rigid nature of the lexical choice in part III of the story shows how Sally Carrol is a microcosm of the South transplanted into the hostile nature of the North. â€Å"It was very cold† and Sally Carrol â€Å"slid uncomfortably† into her clothes and she â€Å"stumbled† up to the diner. The semantic field of ice is used here as seen in the words â€Å"sliding† and â€Å"slippery†. This gives the reader the impression that Sally Carrol is very awkward in this setting and not in control as a flapper should be. Sally Carrol judges things by how long it has been around, not in terms of monetary value. The difference in value systems between the North and the South makes it impossible for Sally Carrol to integrate into the Northern society, a society fuelled by money. Therefore Sally Carrol has the hallucination of Margery Lee, who is a personification of the old South. Sally Carrol experiences defeat and cannot follow her dreams of living as a flapper because of the restrictions in her abilities to adapt to a new environment. However, one may look at it the other way and say she has actually succeeded in living the life she is most suitable for – the Southern life. This is evident in the lexical shift in part VI, where the surroundings are smothered in the â€Å"wealth of golden sunlight†. This parallels part I of the story provides a certain unity that enables the reader to feel like the Southern life is where Sally Carrol belongs. In â€Å"Bernice Bobs Her Hair†, Bernice deals with the problem of being an outsider to an elite society full of successful people. She is seduced into â€Å"flapperdom† by Warren, who initiated the process by flirting with her. The remark that she had an â€Å"awfully kissable mouth† made her excited enough to change into someone who is obsessed with superficiality. She becomes an artificial flapper, a shadow of Marjorie. The struggle for acceptance is evident through the fact that even though the ideas underpinning their belief system is from two different paradigms, Bernice still learns to grasp onto that vibrant and fleeting youth. Stripped from her original values, and seduced into the world of â€Å"flapperdom†, Bernice only superficially assimilates into the elite society but fails at the end when her bluff is called. However, through this defeat, one may argue that she has actually achieved more. Liberating herself from the shackles of the Victorian era, she started to exhibit the traits of a flapper when she cuts off Marjorie’s hair. Not only did this provide an intense climax to the short story, it also explains that although the character experiences defeat, the resultant victory can compensate for that. Although on the surface â€Å"The Cut-glass Bowl† is a story about an enormous glass punch bowl ruining the life of Eveyln Piper, when you look at it closely, the story traces the deterioration of her â€Å"flapperdom† and her marriage to a prosperous hardware dealer whose business declines over several years. The author foreshadows this deterioration at the beginning of the text when he says that â€Å"the struggle for existence began†. â€Å"The bonbon dish lost its little handle†; a â€Å"cat knocked the little bowl off the sideboard†; â€Å"the wine glasses succumbed to leg fractures†. Throughout the story, an idea of superficiality comes into play. The cut-glass bowl is a conceptual metaphor that not only embodies the character Evelyn, but also outlines the features of her marriage. It is â€Å"as hard as† she is and â€Å"as beautiful and as empty and as easy to see through.† Her marriage is empty as she has to see someone else other than her husband to relight her fire. Even her words contain nothing, as they are in italics suggesting a false and unnecessary emphasis. Evelyn lives in a society obsessed with external beauty and superficiality. The author finds it necessary to describe the â€Å"beautiful† Mrs Harold Piper with her â€Å"young, dark eyes†. Evelyn experiences defeat as she is married and no longer able to capture that fleeting youth and vibrant energy that formed the basis of her existence. She fails to retain her physical beauty in a society where it is valued the most. Again, towards the end, she gains a sense of victory when she destroys the cut-glass bowl that has destroyed her life. Even here, the author stresses how vulnerable and helpless Eveyln is as she struggles to smash the bowl. The lexical choice here is in the sematic field of difficulty and uneasiness. She had to â€Å"tighten her arms† and her muscles were â€Å"tauted†. Her energy was â€Å"desperate† and â€Å"frantic†, and her effort was â€Å"mighty† and â€Å"strained†. The author cleverly uses the juxtaposition of the size of the bowl with the size of Evelyn to accentuate the difficulty she experiences. Furthermore, the repetition of the phrase: â€Å"she must be quick – she must be strong† shows that although she does suffer defeat, victory and liberation can be achieved through great difficulty. In his short stories, F Scott Fitzgerald has made sure everyone at the end suffers some kind of defeat. This is achieved by Ardita in â€Å"The Offshore Pirate† being humiliated, Sally Carrol in â€Å"The Ice Palace† returning to her hometown, Bernice in â€Å"Bernice Bobs Her Hair† bobbing her hair, and Evelyn in â€Å"The Cut-glass Bowl† losing the essence that used to define her as a flapper. However, the author has also made us realise that in life, even though we may experience defeat and humiliation, we must look within ourselves and find that personal victory that will surpass the negative feelings of loss.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

What is the difference between fat- and water-soluble vitamins?

There is a well of a difference between water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins, the two classifications of the organic nutrient compounds called vitamins. The word vitamin comes from the Latin word â€Å"vita† meaning â€Å"life† and â€Å"amine†, which means â€Å"nitrogen† (â€Å"What’s the difference†, 1996,  ¶ 4). Vitamins are nutrients essential to the human (or any animal) body because their presence in minute amounts enables the completion of important physiologically related metabolic processes. Vitamins are grouped according to the liquid or substance medium that is required for the body to be able to absorb these nutrients. Their grouping into either being soluble in fat or in water is an important determinant of how vitamins act in the body (Doctor's Responses Archive, n. d. ,  ¶ 2). There are nine water-soluble vitamins, namely Vitamin C and the B vitamins B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin or Vitamin P/PP), B5 (Pantothenic), B6 (Pyridoxine/Pyridoxamine) and B7 (Biotin). On the other, there are four fat-soluble vitamins, which are Vitamins A, D, E and K. The fat-soluble group needs lipid or fats in order to be absorbed through the lymphatic system (small intestines) and into the body's general blood circulation before being stored in body tissues. Fat-soluble vitamins, particularly Vitamins A and E, tend to remain in the body such that excessive intake can lead to an adverse condition termed hypervitaminosis (Doctor's Responses, n. d. ,  ¶ 4). Herein, water-soluble vitamins contrasts with the other group because Vitamin C and the B group are easily dissolved in water and the excess of these micronutrients are excreted in the urine. . What are antioxidants and phytochemicals? Antioxidants are naturally occurring substances that prevent the destructive process of oxidation and its adverse effects. Cells in all living organisms feature complex antioxidant systems that inhibit chemical damage wrought by oxidation. Antioxidant chemicals and enzymes in living organisms also help in the regulation and sustenance of various cellular proces ses. Antioxidants have been promoted and advertised to prevent strokes and heart diseases and even cancer. There are antioxidants shown to have delayed atherosclerosis in experiments with animals. Observational studies in humans have established a relationship between lower incidences of heart attacks and the inclusion of Vitamin E in the diet but the more conclusive clinical trial studies have demonstrated otherwise (â€Å"Vitamins & Exercise†, n. d. ,  ¶ 11 & 12). Some foods with high amounts of antioxidants are mushrooms, most berry fruits, peppers and spinach, barley, pecan and pistachio nuts, coffee, teas and chocolate. Phytochemicals or phytonutrients, on the other, chiefly refers to plant-based compounds that are not essential to the normal bodily metabolism but nonetheless promotes good health such as by helping prevent the onset of diseases (Phytochemicals, 2006,  ¶ 1). Phytochemicals are not presently classified under nutrients because they are not indispensable to sustaining life but they are nonetheless associated with the treatment and/or prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and hypertension (Dresbach & Rossi, n. d. â€Å"How are they beneficial†). Phytochemicals and antioxidants intersect somewhat. The former necessarily come from plants but antioxidants can be found in animal-based foods. Also, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals can have antioxidant properties whereas phytochemicals can serve other functions other than their antioxidant features. (Collins, 2005,  ¶ 2). 3. What factors do you consider before taking dietary supplements? The factors I would con sider before taking dietary supplements are safety, substantiation of efficacy, costs, and product quality. Safety should be a primary factor so as not to run counter to the very purpose of dietary supplements, that is, the improvement of one's health. I would first ask around to make sure that the touted product is generally safe and in what dosage. I'd probably also consult with a doctor or medical expert as to whether the particular supplement poses no adverse effects to any existing health condition of mine. Another important factor would be whether the product has at least some measure of substantiated claims of efficacy. Outright recommendations from the medical community would be best but positive results from clinical trials conducted by reputable institutions would do for me. I would also consider whether the supplement has considerable use or history in traditional, particularly Eastern, medicine. After all, a number of important drugs used in modern medicine have been inspired by ancient traditions, including the malaria drug quinine. Costs of course is important–whether I can afford to regularly take it or I'd be better off choosing an alternative supplement. Product quality is another important factor that I could look into by checking on the reputation and manufacturing standards of the company. 4. What should be the role of government, if any, in influencing your dietary decisions? Given the assumption that the safety issue has been covered, in general, the government should at most serve to guide the public when it comes to dietary decisions. Whether the government be democratic or totalitarian, I don't believe people should be directly forced into or against eating or taking in foods and supplements that are not of their choices. I believe in freedom of consumer choice and in the individual right to decide for herself or himself what foods and supplements she or he prefers and what would work best—without need for doctor's prescriptions. However, I also firmly believe in judicious government regulation of food and dietary supplement manufacturers and the regulation of the corresponding markets. The government should monitor companies who make or process foods and supplements, as it does manufacturers in other segments. Government supervision should ensure that the ingredients and processes listed on product labels are accurate and that manufacturing conforms to certain quality standards. The market itself should be meticulously regulated in terms of the health claims advertised or printed on the labels. Permitted health claims should conform to standards based largely on scientific evidence that support said claims. To illustrate, the regulation by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration of dietary supplements not as drugs but as foods (Dietary Supplement, 2006,  ¶ 2) provides the consumers the appropriate guidance to make wise decisions in their use.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Climate change(global warming) Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Climate change(global warming) - Article Example The greenhouse gases both absorb and forward the sun’s radiations. Other greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide and water (Archer, 2011). The major contributor to global warming is the burning of fossil fuel. One major contributor to global warming is the motor vehicles’ carbon monoxide emissions (Weart, 2008). Factories produce carbon monoxide gases. The factories and motor vehicles use fossil fuel to produce electricity. Moreover, the thinning of the world’s ozone layer increased global warming. The ozone layer reduces the ill effects of the sun’s incoming radiating rays. Certain products produce CFC by-products. The CFCs reduce the earth’s ozone layer. With the thinning of the ozone layer, there is an increase in the quantity of the unfavorable incoming harmful sun’s rays (Archer, 2011). Global warming has significantly unfavorable effects on California’s agricultural environment. California’s greenhouse gases reduce the earth’s emission of infrared rays, triggering global warming. California’s greenhouse gases reduce the sun’s dangerous rays from being reflected by the earth’s surface back into outer space, increasing California’s temperature. The fossil fuel emitted by California’s motor vehicles contributes to California’s global warming statistics (Archer, 2011). Consequently, California’s global warming, melting its snow sources, triggers lower water availability. Specifically, Southern California experienced a 26 percent water source reduction. Sacramento suffered a 24 percent water source reduction. San Joaquin continues to bear the 23 percent water decline. With less water, California suffers from possible food production decline. Consequently, farms must spend more to acquire the required plant water. The increasing water cost precipitates to higher California food prices. With higher food prices, less people can afford to have a full meal. Lesser demand reduces farm profits

Thursday, September 12, 2019

BUSINESS ACCOUNTING Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

BUSINESS ACCOUNTING - Assignment Example by, the requirement for a central global standard for accounting has emerged in order to close the gaps that exist among the many national standardization bodies. The IASB was therefore formed in 2001 as a way to consolidate the worlds accounting standards with the intention to make them more accommodative of all firms regardless of where they operate from. Accounting standardization are every important in not only allowing the generation of standard accounting and financial reports but also in increasing transparency (Needles, 2012). Accounting and financial report play a big role in the economy in that they are used to make useful economic decision both by the managers of a particular firm and by many other stakeholders who are not directly involved in the management of the firm. Standards make it easy for outside stakeholders to access this information in a form that they can understand and also have faith in such reports. Lack of such standards can lead to disaster. A good example is the Enron firm which was an energy generation firm that was based in Texas. Prior to its bankruptcy in 2001, the firm had been using unfair and substandard accounting methods to make its book look good and therefore attract many investors (Sterling, 2002). Enron was able to use this method to lure so many investors, fool the analysts at the NYSE and al so to fool the regulators. In fact, Enron management was the main supporters of the mark to market method of accounting which came to be seen as an unrealistic way to do accounting. It used this as a way to book future (prospective) profits from assets. Because it was performing so well (at least based on its fabricated accounting books), it was able to push for this kind of accounting, to the point of even pressuring the IASB to accept this as a standard of accounting. This later led to disaster and the firm had to finally collapse. The IASB was founded as an attempt to create accounting standards with which firms can generate

Current Events Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Current Events - Essay Example However, the company has had to make many changes since it acquired Zain Africa in a deal that involved more than ten billion dollars (Campbell 416). The main reason was the existence of established mobile operators in individual countries and across regions. One of examples is the West African region where MTN has acquired a considerable stake of the market. However, apart from this, the high operating costs, a low-income market, political instability, and restrictive government policies have been among the major reasons for Airtel Africa reengineering. Despite the numerous changes that have faced this company the short-term achievements are exceptional (Campbell 417). The incentives the company has offered, such as low calling, texting, and Internet rates, have ensured the constant rise of the number of its subscribers. Moreover, the recent roll out of 3G Internet speed for its users has been its most successful promotional methods so far. The success achieved in the African market has established it among the five top mobile operators in the world. In conclusion, Bharti Airtel reengineering has been beneficial not only for the company but also for the African people. In a general business outlook, it is one of the main contributors to making Africa one of the fastest growing telephone markets in the world (Pan 14). Consequently, as shown by Bharti Airtel, reengineering is one of the most effective methods to expand, increase profits, and accelerate the growth of a

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Case Study on Land Law Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

On Land Law - Case Study Example It is stated, in this case, that the property is registered; therefore, the relevant legislation is the LRA, although the original concept of overriding interests was established in the Land Registration Act 1925. Under the 1925 Act, certain overriding interests would only continue until the point at which the land is registered. As Shambles has now been registered, the rules relating to third party interests contained in the LRA must be referred to. The first issue to be considered by Lance is that of Porter's ex- partner, Rina, who has been living in the property for a period of at least five years. On the assumption that Shambles became registered to Porter, after 1st October, 2003 and where the LRA is in force, then the rights attached to Rina will be in accordance with the LRA. The overriding interest of actual occupation existed under the 1925 Act in s70(1)(g). Whilst this old right still exists, it is now subject to the new law as contained in the LRA. Essentially, the overriding interest and the right of a third party in actual occupation will exist where there is actual occupation, at the relevant time, by the owner. This is important, in this case, due to the fact that there may be some debate as to whether or not Rina is, in fact, an actual owner, i.e. legally or beneficially entitled to the property. As Rina is an estranged partner of Porter, Rina may have a valid argument that she has an equitable entitlement to at least part of the property. Recent case law has suggested that, where both parties have contributed in some way to the property, even if it is registered in only one person's name, the court will determine the shares of the property to be held by each party, based on the course of dealings between them1. With this in mind, it would be necessary to consider the relationship between Rina and Porter and whether she could legitimately claim an equitable interest in the property (Abbey & Richards, 2007). On the assumption that Rina can show an equitable interest, she would potentially be able to rely on the actual occupation interest as stated in Schedule 3, Para 2 of the LRA. This right would exist, provided it was not an interest under the Settled Land Act 1925, it was not a deliberate failure to disclose the right and the occupation would have been obvious on a reasonably careful inspection of the land in question at the time of the disposition. Under the provisions in the LRA, there is no precise definition of actual occupation; however, case law previously heard under the 1925 Act is thought to be current and relevant under the LRA2. Under the LRA, Rina will only forfeit the overriding status of her interest, if she would have been reasonably expected to declare her right to Lance. As Lance undertook his own conveyancing, it is unlikely that sufficiently detailed questioning was undertaken in relation to any adults in actual occupation. Moreover, in the absence of such questioning, it is therefore highly likely that Rina will not have sacrificed her overriding status, based on failure to disclose reasonably. Furthermore, as Rina lived in the main property and has done so for 5 years, her presences and actual occupation would be reasonably noticeable to anyone who had made an inspection of the property. The facts suggest that Lance did not actually inspect the property, at all, due to his location in London and had he made a reasonable inspection, he would have been aware of Rina's occupation, prior to